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Skin Texture is Everything

Jane, Boost Beauty & Wellness

Are we focusing too much on lines and wrinkles? We spend a lot of time and money trying to erase nature with sometimes unnatural looking results. Don't get me wrong, Botox and Fillers are great, but smooth, even skin is everything.

A healthy complexion is fresh and rosy. Aging skin is plagued by scarring, sun spots and areas of dull or redness. There are a number of products and treatments that can help. Intense Pulsed Light (IPL), in particular, is especially effective to do in the winter while staying out of the sun.

A handheld flashgun is passed across the skin, delivering a spectral range of light that targets the hair or skin issues:

  • Lightening and removing ā€œsun spotsā€, ā€œage spotsā€, and brown blotches on the face, neck, chest, hands and other areas of the body

  • Lightening and reducing redness, rosacea, dilated blood vessels and ā€œbrokenā€ blood vessels on the face, neck and chest

  • Helping to control flushing

  • Improving skin texture through collagen stimulation and improves pore size minimally by temporarily reducing oiliness

IPL, when done properly, almost always consists of a series of 3-5 treatments, usually one every three to six weeks. The benefits of IPL are achieved with little discomfort and minimal risk. You can see some improvement with each treatment, but itā€™s common for your response to be slightly different to each treatment. The more sun damage or redness you have, the more likely you are to need a full five treatments. Some cases of severe redness or brown spots require more than 5 treatments. Expect to see gradual clearing over time.

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